silver – Members Area – The Mind Miracle Exclusive VIP Area Thu, 28 Jan 2016 14:07:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Worst Contact Lens Mistakes and How to Fix Them Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:12:57 +0000 More than 40 million Americans wear contact lenses. However, up to 90% of wearers don’t follow the instructions for how to care for their lenses.

Some of the most common risky behaviors include not removing lenses before going to bed or taking a shower. As a result nearly a third of all wearers visit their eye doctor at least once a year to treat redness and discomfort or more serious infections.

With this in mind, the Centers for Disease Control started Contact Lens Health Week in 2014, but you don’t have to wait until August to celebrate. Study these tips so you can protect your eyes year-round while you enjoy the freedom of contact lenses.

Selecting Your Contact Lenses

1. Talk with your doctor. There are many different kinds of lenses to choose from. Even if you end up buying your lenses online, it’s advantageous to have an optometrist or ophthalmologist examine your eyes and ensure that your lenses fit correctly.

2. Understand your condition. Contacts lenses are now safe and effective for correcting many issues including cataracts and astigmatism. You may be an especially good candidate if you’re near-sighted and would need to wear your glasses most of the day.

3. Compare the costs. You’re probably wondering how much this all costs. With a typical prescription, you’re likely to spend about $400 a year on lenses and solution. The cost of eyeglasses varies widely depending on designer frames and other choices, while laser surgery usually costs more than $4,000 for both eyes, and may not be suitable for some patients.

4. Weigh each factor. Talk with your doctor about finding the appropriate balance for you. You might decide that you’d rather spend more for lenses that are easier to care for or give up a little sharpness of vision for greater comfort.

caring for your eyes is essential to protecting your sight

caring for your eyes is essential to protecting your sight

Caring for Your Contact Lenses

1. Wash your hands. Scrub your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your lenses or your eye. That way you’ll cut down on the transfer of germs.

2. Check your solution. Different types of lenses require different products. Follow your doctor’s recommendations. Empty your lens case and fill it with new solution each day instead of topping off the remaining liquid.

3. Buy a new case. More than 80% of contact lens wearers are holding onto their cases for too long. They need to be replaced at least once every 3 months so bacteria doesn’t build up.

4. Remove lenses before sleeping or swimming. Your eyes become dryer and more prone to irritation when your lids are closed. Similarly, even distilled water can contaminate your lenses. Regardless of what the label says, it’s safer to take your lenses out before you shut your eyes or even take a shower.

5. Master insertion and removal. Fumbling around can tear your lenses. Watch a demonstration online or at your doctor’s office about how to handle them.

6. Apply eye make-up skilfully. You can still wear mascara and eye-shadow. Shop for non-allergenic brands and put your lenses in before you apply cosmetics. When you’re ready to take your make-up off, remove your lenses first.

7. Wear sunglasses. You may notice that contact lenses make your eyes more sensitive to light. Bring your shades along when you head outdoors.

8. Treat symptoms promptly. Following your doctor’s instructions lowers your risk for eye infections and injuries to your corneas. Seek care immediately if you notice any sudden change in vision, flashes of light, or significant discomfort.

Maybe you like how you look without eyeglasses or you need contact lenses for your particular medical condition. Either way, being diligent about caring for your lenses will help keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear.

Who Else Wants to Go Pegan Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:12:35 +0000 Going pegan may be the solution if you’re confused by conflicting claims about which diet is most effective or want to enjoy your dinner without having to consult a rule book. Pegans claim they’re combining aspects of both paleo and vegan diets for maximum advantage.

The term pegan was coined by Mark Hyman, M.D of the Cleveland Medical Clinic. While the name sounds catchy, keep in mind that it’s more accurate to describe this plan as a modified paleo diet because true vegan diets contain no animal products.

Whatever words you use, both paleo and vegan diets can be good for you. Plus, you may find your new routine easier to follow when you adapt the dietary restrictions to your individual needs.

Pegan Eating Changes That Benefit Most Dieters

Many studies show that paleo and vegan diets can help you lose weight, manage diabetes, and strengthen your heart. Both systems share a few fundamentals that will help you eat smart.

1. Focus on whole foods. Add more whole foods to your diet. Potatoes in their natural form have more fiber and nutrients than a bag of chips. They also have less fat, sugar, salt, and other additives.

2. Eat your vegetables. Get at least 75% of your calories from plant-based foods. If you decide to eat meat, look for labels that say grass-fed, and shrink your portion sizes.

3. Choose healthy fats. Fats are essential, but they are not created equal. Good choices include olive oil, avocadoes, and fatty fish like salmon.

4. Cut down on sugar. The average American consumes 3 pounds of sugar a week. Try tapering down until you become used to drinking your coffee unsweetened.

salmon is rich in Omega-3 healthy fats

salmon is rich in Omega-3 healthy fats

Pegan Eating Changes That Benefit Some Dieters

Depending on your personal preferences and medical needs, you may opt out of some of the usual paleo and vegan restrictions. Consider these factors.

1. Serve legumes. Legumes are a type of vegetable that includes beans, lentils, and even peanuts. If you’re watching your blood sugar or experiencing digestive issues, you may want to avoid them. Otherwise, keep eating these superfoods.

2. Decide about gluten. Gluten-free products are great if you’re sensitive to wheat. Otherwise, you may want to remain friends with your morning oats.

3. Drink your milk. Similarly, many adults develop lactose intolerance while others can eat dairy products comfortably. If you feel deprived, yogurt and aged cheeses may be easier to digest.

4. Shop carefully for soy products. There’s a big difference between extra sugary soy milk and whole soy beans. Buy plain tofu or sample fermented tempeh and miso.

Additional Pegan Tips

While you’re upgrading the way you eat, consider the rest of your lifestyle. These habits will make it easier to stay fit.

1. Exercise regularly. The safest way to maintain your weight is a combination of sensible eating and increased physical activity. Incorporate more movement into each day and find a variety of workouts that you love doing.

2. Read beyond the headlines. News articles about nutrition research often fail to tell the whole story. They may be based on small samples or participants who aren’t much like you. Talk with your doctor and experiment with different eating plans to find what works for you.

3. Be flexible. Listen to your body and think creatively about eating. If you feel cramped by a diet with strict guidelines, bend the rules to accommodate occasional cravings or eating out.

Eating like a caveman or cutting out animal products may help you to select nutritious foods and watch your weight. Craft your own eating plan by adapting the principles of paleo and vegan diets to suit your personal needs.

What Will You Do When Your Child Wants a Part Time Job Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:12:12 +0000 Some studies show that teens who work part-time jobs have lower grades and higher risk for issues like alcohol and drug abuse. Other studies show that early employment leads to higher graduation rates and increased lifetime earnings. What’s a parent to believe?

It turns out that there’s some truth on both sides of the argument, and the choices you make can help determine the outcomes. Read this before your child asks you if they can mow lawns or work at the mall.

Managing the Downside of Part-Time Work for Teens

1. Limit the hours. Most of the negative outcomes for teens who work are associated with putting in more than 15 hours a week. As long as you stick to 15 hours per week or less during the school year, you can eliminate most of the risks for a decline in school performance or forming questionable new friendships.

2. Write out a budget. Another potential drawback is the tendency for teens to pick up extravagant spending habits that will be tough to break when they’re in college or settling into their first home. Make a plan for how to use their paycheck responsibly.

3. Emphasize safety. Some jobs pose more hazards than others. You may want to give your approval for tutoring and counselling at summer camp rather than delivery or construction work.

4. Research labor laws. Federal and state laws regulate the hours and type of work that minors can do. Ensure you follow the rules for work permits and other requirements.

5. Visit the workplace. Take a first-hand look at where your son or daughter will be employed. Introduce yourself to their new boss. Observe their co-workers.

6. Put academics first. Remind your teen that completing their education is their primary job. Agree in advance that being permitted to work is conditional upon maintaining their grades and participating in school activities.

fund your education with a part-time job

fund your education with a part-time job

Maximizing the Benefits of Part-Time Work for Teens

1. Develop soft skills. Dealing with a demanding boss and dissatisfied customers instils qualities like punctuality and patience. It’s a good complement to classroom education.

2. Save for college. While your teen may want to keep some of their pay-check for buying burgers and music, encourage them to put aside money for something more lasting. The funds will come in handy as tuition costs rise.

3. Review career plans. If possible, consider a job that aligns with your child’s interests in sports medicine or ethnic jewellery. They’ll feel more motivated and may even find a mentor.

4. Practice job hunting. Just looking for a job is valuable training. Your child can practice browsing job boards, filling out applications, and interviewing before they face the financial pressures that come with living on their own.

5. Gather references. Wherever your sons or daughters work, their supervisors can provide positive recommendations for college applications and future jobs. These early contacts can be the beginning of your child’s professional network.

6. Provide supervision. Are you concerned about what your teen is doing in the hours between school letting out and your arriving home from work? A shift at the local coffee shop will fill that time.

7. Teach diversity. In spite of all the benefits of employment, fewer youths are in the workforce today. Just 33% of teens had a summer job in 2009 compared to 52% in 2000, according to the Bureau of Labor. A part time job can be a unique opportunity to introduce teens to a wide variety of citizens from different backgrounds.

As a parent, you can guide your child towards making their first work experience a rewarding investment in their future. Hold down the number of hours and discuss responsible budgeting so they’ll be prepared for academic and career success.

What Dog Training Can Teach You about Personal Growth Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:11:53 +0000 Your life is a lot more complicated than your dog’s. He probably spends most of his time sleeping, eating, and chewing on a squeaky toy. You have to go to work, put your kids through college, and save for retirement.

Yet, when it comes to training, some of the principles that work for your dog can help you too. See what you can learn from basic obedience classes when it comes to your personal growth and development.

Strategies That Work for You and Your Dog

Whether you’re trying to walk your dog on a leash or speak Russian, some fundamentals apply to any learning project. Consider these tips for mastering new skills.

1. Clarify your goals. Identify the behaviour that you want to focus on. It’s usually more effective to think in terms of forming a new habit rather than breaking an old pattern.

2. Practice regularly. For any learning to take hold, it’s important to repeat the steps over and over. Make your new activities part of your daily life.

3. Pace yourself. Start with your top priorities like running each day or studying for your CPA exam. Postpone other projects that could drain your time and energy. Start out small, and gradually increase the time and intensity of your efforts.

4. Expect off days. Whatever you’re working on, prepare yourself for ups and downs. Some days you’ll feel sharper than others.

5. Be consistent. You’ll reinforce new habits quicker if you try to follow a regular routine. Do yoga at the same time each morning or devote one corner of your bedroom to a meditation space.

6. Offer rewards. Boost your motivation by giving yourself something to look forward to. Maybe you love bacon-flavoured crackers as much as your dog does or maybe you’d prefer a night out at the movies.

7. Consider consequences. Choose actions that deliver the results you dream about. An afternoon spent on gardening or volunteering in your community will probably be more gratifying than watching television.

8. Create positive associations. You’ve probably heard about giving a dog a treat or toy to relieve separation anxiety. While you probably don’t panic when your spouse goes to work, you can use a similar strategy with your own stressors. Listen to opera while you iron or wear cashmere socks on job interviews.

9. Leverage your strengths. Just like greyhounds run and huskies pull sleds, you have your own unique gifts. Figure out what you like to do and what you’re good at. Capitalize on your assets in your personal and professional life.

10. Remain cheerful. When you run into a challenge, smile and think positive. A happy attitude encourages learning.

What Dog Training Can Teach You about Personal Growth reward

sometimes it’s good to reward yourself

Other Essential Tips for Growth

On the other hand, you have a lot more options than your dog. Take advantage of your human abilities.

1. Plan ahead. Your dog excels at living in the moment, but has a harder time making the connection between chewing your shoes and being corrected hours later when you arrive home from work. On the other hand, you can think long-term and care for your future self.

2. Continue learning. There’s some controversy about whether you can teach an old dog new tricks, but humans can certainly keep advancing in their golden years. Sign up for cooking classes or start playing tennis.

3. Consult a professional. Your dog doesn’t know that an expert might be able to help him with his chronic barking, but you can reach out for counselling and other services when you feel stuck. Asking for help requires wisdom and strength.

Overall, what works for your dog often works for you too. When you’re trying to form healthier habits, be patient with yourself and reinforce your positive choices.

Understanding the Long Recovery Process from Grief Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:11:34 +0000 Understanding the Long Recovery Process from Grief

Grief can be a long recovery process and isn’t easy to handle. If you’re dealing with grief, it’s important to allow the process to take its time.

Grief can’t be avoided or eliminated quickly. However, there are some processes and activities that you can use to help you feel some relief as you heal.

Try these strategies to help you understand your grief and recover:

1. Understand grief. Grief refers to the way you handle a loss. The loss can range from a loved one to a pet. Grief can also occur over the loss of health, employment, and other life events.

* Grief doesn’t fit one cookie-cutter definition. It can vary greatly from one person to the next, and even change during one person’s lifetime. The way you handle loss can differ at various stages of your life.

* Grief can include anger, resentment, sadness, guilt, and other feelings.

2. Changing thoughts. One of the common themes of grief is changing thoughts. This can occur rapidly and take you from feeling fine to feeling absolutely devastated, all in a few minutes.

* Your thoughts about your loss will also vary through shock, sadness, guilt, anger, and acceptance as you go through the grieving process.

3. Concerns of loved ones. The grief process can be different in each person, so the way you handle it may not be the same as your friends or family. Your loved ones may be concerned about your grieving process. They may feel your process is too short or too long. They may feel that you’re hiding your emotions or sharing them too much.

* Your friends and family need to understand that the grief process doesn’t have a set expiration date. You’re not required to stop grieving at a particular point in time. Your process may take longer or shorter than what others perceive as normal.

* Let them know of anything they can do to help you, such as preparing meals, helping with the house or errands, taking the kids off your hands for a while, or anything else you feel would bring you some relief.

4. Using distractions. It’s common to use distractions to deal with grief. Distractions can help you temporarily forget the pain. They can also make you avoid dealing with the emotional impact of your loss. It’s important to use distractions in moderation and be patient with your feelings.

* Focusing on work or hobbies, watching a funny movie, or reading a great novel can help keep your mind occupied temporarily.

5. Preoccupation with the loss. The nature of your loss can preoccupy you and make you focus solely on the grief.

* Part of the recovery process is understanding that long-term preoccupation with the loss isn’t healthy. This differs from short-term preoccupation, which will happen for a while. As time goes on, if you continue to feel this preoccupation, seeking outside help from a counsellor may help.

support groups can help in the grieving process

support groups can help in the grieving process

6. Support groups and therapy. Grief counsellors can help guide you through your grief and find ways to help you deal with your loss.

* You may also benefit from support groups or therapy sessions.

* Also, there are forums and Facebook groups filled with others who are also experiencing grief. The people there can help you sort through your thoughts and share ideas that have helped them.

7. Accept the recovery process. It’s not possible to just skip over the pain of loss. If you accept that the recovery process will take time and effort, then it will be easier to handle it. Accept your feelings and focus on rebuilding your life after the loss.

The grief process can take a significant amount of time. You don’t have to pretend that it’s easy to fix. The stages of the grieving process can be overwhelming at times, but your journey to recovery can be eased by seeking help from others and finding ways that allow you to move forward past the devastating effects.

Top 10 Habits That Enhance Your Mood and Your Success Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:11:15 +0000 Your daily rituals ultimately determine the quality of your life. Happy and successful people do different things each day than the average person. And they do those things consistently. This is great news! A few small changes can transform your life, but patience is required. Instead of focusing on big changes, consider making a few minor adjustments.

The odds of successfully making a change are much higher when that change is small.

Effective habits result in a more productive life:

1. Make yourself a priority. We’ve all been taught to worry about others. Self-sacrifice is viewed as altruistic and noble. But you’re important, too. Give your emotional and physical health the priority it deserves. You’ll then be in a better position to help yourself and others.

2. Set one or more goals each day. If you don’t have an objective for the day, you’re much less likely to make the most of it. It feels good to wake up with a purpose. You’ll also get a lot more accomplished. Give yourself the gift of feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day.

3. Communicate effectively. Communicating well with others enhances relationships, both personal and professional. Poor communication creates misunderstanding and unhappiness. Ensure you understand others and they understand you.

4. Get enough sleep. Studies have consistently shown that getting at least seven hours of sleep is critical. The research shows that everyone performs better on mental and physical tasks after getting at least seven hours of sleep.

5. Meditate. A few minutes of meditation each day can provide significant results. It’s relaxing, provides a mental break, and clears the mind. Think of it as exercise for your mental muscles.

6. Spend quality time with those you love. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Many of us spend all day toiling at work, only to come home and sit in front of the TV. Spending meaningful time with others will make you happier and provide the motivation necessary to reach higher levels of success.

7. Learn at least one new thing. Imagine how much you’d know in five years if you learned something new each day. Ideally, you’ll learn something that’s both interesting and useful to your future. You’ll be proud of your personal growth. You’ll also be more effective in the workplace.

8. Be grateful. When life is challenging, it’s easy to forget just how much you already have. Spend a few minutes each day and make a list of all the things that fill you with gratitude.

* The list is longer than you think. It will enhance your mood and make it easy to move forward.

9. Use time effectively. Time is the one thing you can’t get back. Whether you’re a billionaire or the average Joe, everyone has 24 hours to navigate each day. The most successful people use that time more effectively. Whether working or having fun, try to make your hours as productive as possible.

10. Exercise each day. Exercise is great for your health, both physical and mental. It’s a great time to think and unwind. Try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You’ll benefit in many ways.

It can be that easy to feel better and accomplish more. Enhance your daily rituals and you’ll enhance your life. Small changes can bring big results over time. Develop habits that guarantee a better mood and greater success.

The Surprising Connection Between Your Immune System and Your Personality Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:10:59 +0000 You might think that boosting your immune system is all about taking vitamin pills and watching your blood pressure. The truth is that protecting yourself from illness depends on your mind as much as your body.

In fact, there’s a growing field of science called psychoneuroimmunology that’s devoted to how your personality and mood affect your immune system. Discover what you can do to cultivate traits that help you stay healthy.

Stress and Your Immune System

Chronic stress may be responsible for as much as 90% of all doctor visits in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When stress hormones like cortisol remain present for too long, they can cause disruptions that lead to premature ageing, heart conditions, and other issues.

1. Slow down. Take a deep breath when you find yourself rushing around. Stretch out and release the tension.

2. Trim your to-do list. Look for items that you can scratch off your agenda. Maybe you can do laundry only once a week.

3. Rest and relax. Refresh your body and mind with high quality sleep and effective relaxation. Go to bed and rise at the same time each day. Take a walk or meditate when you need a break.


being lonely can weaken your immune system and affect your health

Loneliness and Your Immune System

Lack of social support can also undermine your immune system. Several studies have found higher levels of antibodies in participants who report being lonely, which suggests more viral activity.

1. Schedule get-togethers. Prioritize time spent with friends. Set up a regular Tuesday morning coffee date or a Saturday afternoon tennis game.

2. Meet new friends. Is your social circle shrinking? Take an accounting class or join a gardening club where you can find others who share your interests.

3. Leave home. If you’re feeling isolated working at home, take your laptop to an internet cafe. Strike up a conversation with someone in line or just enjoy watching the crowd.

Anger and Your Immune System

A Harvard University study found that hostility can decrease lung capacity, possibly due to stress hormones inflaming airways. While angry outbursts or bottling up emotions can be hard on your heart and immune system, there are more constructive approaches.

1. Practice forgiveness. Choose to let go of resentments. Cultivate compassion for yourself and others. Remember how much better you’ll feel when you release the past.

2. Count to ten. Pause before you say or do something you may regret. A few seconds maybe all you need to prevent a conflict with your boss or spouse.

3. Laugh more. There are some issues worth battling for, and many others that you can safely overlook. See your home-owner’s association as entertaining rather than annoying when they try to dictate how many flowers you can plant.

Altruism and Your Immune System

Helping others causes physiological changes in your brain that make you happier and calmer. Good deeds strengthen your immune system and enhance your well-being.

1. Volunteer your time. Even if money is tight, you can be generous with your time. Run errands for an elderly relative or sign up for a charity race.

2. Share your wisdom. Let others benefit from your expertise. If you’re a whiz at math, tutor school children who are struggling with fractions. Post your recipe for sourdough bread online.

3. Offer praise. Brighten someone’s day with a kind word. Tell your mail carrier how much you appreciate their services. Compliment a stranger on their attractive hairdo.

Recognizing the mind-body connection may help you to catch fewer colds and lower your risk for more serious illnesses. For a longer and healthier life, protect your immune system by managing stress and connecting with others.

The Shared Laughter Miracle for Couples Who Want to Stay Close Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:10:39 +0000 You probably know that laughter is good for you, but you may not realize what it can do for your relationships. New research suggests that couples who chuckle together, stay together.

A recent study found that simultaneous laugher creates staying power. Couples who laughed together more often, and for a longer time, had relationships characterized by greater quality, closeness, and social support. The findings come from psychologists at the University of North Carolina who videotaped men and women talking about how they met.

So now, you know that working on your marriage can be fun! Try these suggestions for creating a stronger and merrier love connection.

Understanding the Benefits of Laughter

1. Enhance your health. Laughing burns about 50 calories an hour and gives your heart a terrific workout. It also boosts your immune system, lowers your blood pressure, and heightens your sense of well-being.

2. Strengthen your resiliency. Studies have found that laughing also increases your tolerance for discomfort and stress. That patience comes in handy when you’re living with someone.

3. Increase your productivity. In the workplace, group humour has been found to have a positive effect on performance and morale. Try it at home when you’re dividing up chores or painting the house.

Clearing Away the Obstacles to Shared Laughter

1. Free up time. Humour has more to do with natural daily conversation than with telling jokes. Spending time together will make you more susceptible to whooping it up.

2. Manage stress. It’s easier to giggle when you’re already feeling relaxed. Try meditating each morning or taking a walk after dinner to dissolve tensions.

3. Resolve conflicts. The objective here is to laugh with each other, not at each other. Your partner will be more likely to appreciate how funny you are if you pick up your socks, and consult them before making major purchases.

clowning around can have a positive effect on your relationships

clowning around can have a positive effect on your relationships

Creating More Opportunities to Laugh Together

1. Watch a video. The internet puts comedy at your fingertips. Click on a video of raccoons playing or kids singing.

2. Visit with family. Speaking of children, you probably both have relatives who can provide hours of entertainment. Think of your aunt who still gives you Girl Scout cookies each Christmas or the cousin who really did run away to join a circus.

3. Do something silly. Warm up your feet in bunny slippers or wear a Halloween mask while serving dinner. Blow soap bubbles or play a game of Twister.

4. Take risks. If you’re too busy to go searching for your Halloween mask, look for funny moments that happen naturally. When you’re challenging yourself, you’re bound to experience an occasional mishap that you can turn into an amusing dinner story.

5. Redecorate your house. Put out a picture or an object that makes you crack up each time you see it. Maybe you both like black velvet paintings of Elvis or giant inflatable spiders.

6. Remember your childhood. Reminisce about what cracked you up when you were in grade school. Introduce your partner to your favourite old Saturday morning cartoons or Jell-O recipes.

7. Create new memories. During the years you spend together, gather more stories that give you material to laugh about. Maybe you met in line at the Motor Vehicle Department. Maybe you adopted one of those two-timing cats that show up on the local news when it turns out they had a second family all along.

Share more laughter with your partner. You’ll both be rewarded with greater health and happiness that enriches your lives together.

The Regular Mealtime Miracle for Weight Loss Success Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:10:22 +0000 If you want to lose weight and eat healthier, the solution could be as easy as watching the clock. A recent study found that adults who eat on a regular schedule have healthier diets overall.

Researchers found that college students who ate at about the same time each day consumed more vegetables and fruit, and less sugar and fast food. The effects were even more impressive when they packed their own lunch. The findings reinforce previous theories about the importance of contextual eating cues.

Eating context refers to the physical, social, and psychological environment in which you dine. Streamline your diet with these tips for maintaining regular mealtimes and other helpful habits.

How to Stick to Regular Mealtimes

1. Start with breakfast. Have your first meal within the first hour after you wake up. If you don’t care for traditional breakfast items, try being more creative. Have a bowl of soup or a salad with grilled fish.

2. Hold family dinners. Share the benefits of healthy eating with your loved ones. Create a consistent dinnertime that works for your schedule. Keep in mind that we tend to eat more when dining in groups, but stimulating conversation can be even more rewarding than anything on your plate.

3. Master quick recipes. Meals don’t have to be time consuming. Feast on sandwiches or hummus with cut vegetables.

4. Cook and freeze. For heartier fare, cook in batches and freeze individual portions. That way you’ll have chili or lasagna in minutes.

5. Snack strategically. Does lunchtime seem too far away? Sip a smoothie with juice and kale or pack yogurt and baby carrots to take with you to the office. A small and balanced snack can sustain you so you can hold out until your next meal.

6. Dine at home. Whether you prefer fast food or fancy restaurants, eating out tends to make you eat more. Save money and calories by enjoying more home-cooked meals.

7. Play host. Holidays and entertaining can interfere with your diet. Take control by offering your hospitality so you can predict meal times and include lighter options on the menu.

keep healthy snacks around you so as to avoid eating junk food

keep healthy snacks around you so as to avoid eating junk food

How to Use Other Contextual Eating Cues

1. Sit down. Eating on the go makes it easy to lose track of how many calories you’re taking in. Pull up a chair and dine sitting down.

2. Turn off the TV. Similarly, you can polish off a whole bag of chips before you know it when you’re watching Mad Men or browsing the internet. Pay attention to your food. You’ll probably eat less and enjoy it more.

3. Set the table. Decorate your dining area in a way that makes you want to slow down and savor your meals. Buy a pretty tablecloth and use your good dishes. Create a centerpiece with fresh flowers from your garden or candles from a thrift shop.

4. Practice relaxation. You probably know that feeling blue can make you wolf down too much ice cream, but did you realize that being excited can have the same effect? Cultivate a neutral mind by meditating or taking a walk.

5. Choose supportive friends. We tend to behave like those around us. Hang out with friends who eat lots of vegetables and visit the gym frequently.

6. Keep a diary. Each of us has our own triggers that can sabotage our good intentions. Writing down what you eat and what was going on at the time will help you to spot your weak spots and develop effective strategies.

Regular mealtimes play an essential role in managing your eating context. Once you develop simple habits that support positive choices, you’ll be able to eat a nutritious diet and watch your weight with less effort and more success.

Show the Real You: 10 Easy Ways to Reveal Your True Personality Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:10:02 +0000 It’s possible to enhance your personality and your ability to share it more authentically with others. You’ll form stronger and more meaningful relationships if you’re able to be yourself. Maybe you’ve been too reserved in the past to let others see the real you. You can change that by taking the bull by the horns.

Show the world who you really are:

1. Strengthen your conversational skills. You can’t reveal your true personality if you don’t communicate effectively. Conversational skills are important and influence multiple areas of your life. You also build your personality by conversing with others. You can’t know everything, so learning from others is one way to grow and become more interesting.

* Poor communication skills result in being misunderstood. Your personality will be misunderstood, too.

2. Share your opinion. Have you ever spoken to someone that didn’t have an opinion? It’s boring. Many of us keep our opinions to ourselves in an effort not to offend, but it has a negative effect. Interesting people have opinions. Be brave enough to share yours.

* Make a pact with yourself to always have an opinion. When you’re asked about your movie or dinner preference, give an answer other than, “I don’t care” or “I don’t know.”

3. Be positive. A negative outlook brings out the worst in all of us. Put your best foot forward by being upbeat. Being around others that complain and see the dark side of life is tiresome. Be uplifting and allow your real personality to shine.

4. Be yourself. Just like your mom said. Pretending to be someone you’re not is dishonest. It’s also hard on your self-esteem. Embrace the parts of you that are unique and share them with others. Some people will like you while others do not. That’s true regardless of your personality.

pursue your own activities

pursue your own activities and take pleasure in your own enjoyment

5. Engage in your interests. Make the time to pursue the activities that appeal to you. Go mountain climbing, learn to play the banjo, or volunteer with the homeless. When you’re living your life to the fullest, people can see you at your best. You’ll enjoy life much more, too.

6. Become a better listener. Listening has several benefits. It will lower your anxiety, make the other person feel important, and create a connection.

* The better the connection, the more likely you’ll be to show your true colours. You learn much more while you’re listening.

7. Increase your social circle. Expose yourself to new opinions and cultures. Meet new people and watch your personality blossom. You’ll become stagnant by hanging out with the same people all of the time.

8. Be respectful. You’re a respectful person and have integrity, even if you haven’t been showing it lately. You deserve the same from others. Show people the best you have to offer and you’ll inspire others to follow suit.

9. Relax. If you’re not relaxed, you’re protecting yourself. If you’re protecting yourself, you’re not being your true self. Be more carefree. See the humorous side of life. Your true personality is revealed when you’re happy and light.

10. Read. Develop greater knowledge about the world and the things that matter to you. Become an expert on the topics that fascinate you. Your personality will grow and reveal itself more completely.

Do your friends and family know the real you? Does it take new acquaintances a long time to know you well? There’s no reason to keep yourself a secret! Let the world see your true personality. You’ll be glad you did!
